Haunted House Adventure game by Jenny Tyler & Les Howarth Published in Write Your Own Adventure Programs For the Commodore VIC-20 (16K) Synopsis: A weird house stands on the edge of a sheer cliff. People say the richest man in the world spent his final days there, but no one ever saw his body. You must explore the house and find 17 items. Walkthrough: GO EAST, GO EAST, GO EAST, GET AEROSOL, GO WEST, GO WEST, GO WEST, GO NORTH, GO NORTH (into the house - the door slams shut behind you), GO WEST, GO NORTH (cupboard with hanging coat), EXAMINE COAT (find a key), GET KEY, GO SOUTH, GO EAST, GO NORTH, GO NORTH (gloomy passage), GET VACUUM, GO NORTH, GO NORTH, GO EAST (kitchen), GET MATCHES, GO EAST, GO NORTH, GO EAST, GET SHOVEL, GO WEST, GO WEST, GET AXE, GO EAST, GO SOUTH, GO WEST, GO WEST, GO SOUTH, GO SOUTH, GO SOUTH, GO EAST, GO SOUTH (library), GET CANDLESTICK, READ BOOKS (they are demonic works), GO EAST (study), EXAMINE DESK (there is a drawer), OPEN DRAWER (see a candle), GET CANDLE, EXAMINE WALL (there is something beyond), SWING AXE (you break through the thin wall), GO NORTH (secret room), GET MAGIC SPELLS, READ MAGIC SPELLS (use this word with care - XZANFAR), GO SOUTH, GO WEST, GO NORTH, GO NORTH (pool of light), GET BATTERIES, LIGHT CANDLE (using the matches), GO NORTH (dark alcove), GET COINS, GO EAST, GO EAST (bottom of spiral staircase), GO UP, GO EAST (rear turret room), GET SCROLL (bats attack you), SPRAY BATS (with the aerosol), GET SCROLL, READ SCROLL (the script is in an alien tongue), GO WEST, GO SOUTH, GO DOWN, GO WEST, GO SOUTH, GO EAST, GO EAST (hall by a thick wooden door), GET STATUE, UNLOCK DOOR (with the small key), GO SOUTH, GO SOUTH, GO SOUTH, GO WEST (the ghosts won't let you pass), USE VACUUM (you vacuum up the ghosts), GO WEST, GO WEST (front tower), GET GOBLET, GO EAST, GO EAST, GO NORTH, GO EAST, GO EAST (spooky room), GET PAINTING, GO WEST, GO WEST (a magical barrier to the west prevents you leaving), SAY XZANFAR (magic occurs), GO WEST (cobwebby room), GO NORTH, GO NORTH, GO EAST (trophy room), GO NORTH, GO EAST (slippery steps), GO DOWN, GO SOUTH (deep cellar with coffin), OPEN COFFIN, GET RING, GO NORTH (to where the barred window is), DIG (using the shovel - you dig the bars out), GO EAST (cliff path), UNLIGHT CANDLE, GO NORTH, GO NORTH, GO NORTH (to where the blasted tree is), CLIMB ROPE (you see a thick forest and a cliff to the south), CLIMB ROPE (going down), GET ROPE, GO SOUTH, GO SOUTH, GO SOUTH, SCORE (you have everything, return to the front gate for final score), GO SOUTH, GO SOUTH, GET BOAT (this enables you to pass safely through the marshes), GO SOUTH, GO WEST, GO SOUTH, LEAVE BOAT, GO WEST, GO WEST, GO WEST, GO WEST, GO WEST (front gate), SCORE Credits: This solution is based on Dorothy Millard's walkthrough for the C64 version of this game, posted at: